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Showing results of: fruit


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.


“It’s time to…” is a collection of monographs with information and resources in the form of interactive infographics and videos about different fruits and vegetables from Catalonia territory to promote knowledge and seasonal consumption. Carried out on the occasion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (2021), commissioned by the Generalitat of Catalunya that has promoted different actions to promote them.

Recetario a base de frutas Diseñado especialmente para la alimentación del diabético y toda su familia

El seguiment d’una alimentació equilibrada i saludable, és una de les mesures més importants en la prevenció i el tractament de la diabetis. Amb el receptari, editat en castellà, ampliarem el coneixement d’aquells aliments que tenen una acció més directa sobre els valors de glucosa en sang. Projecte educatiu per a metges i pacients impulsat per la Fundació Clínic i Alícia, amb la col·laboració d’ESTEVE. Més informació al portal