
The Alícia Foundation has been working with the elderly in the neighborhood for months to implement the Gegaan project, “Elderly people, autonomy, food and community networks to support and stimulate the commercial fabric”.

Barcelona is the backbone of the Mediterranean diet, a food system rich in biodiversity, geographic variety and local food products. A region with a powerful and health conscious gastronomic tradition, as old as it is open to new and innovative ideas. Today it is facing the same crisis as the rest of the planet; and it is for this reason that we find ourselves here, within the framework of the world capital of sustainable food.

The initial idea is to generate a reference recipe book within Basque culture that allows people with dysphagia to continue eating as usual.

Both institutions sign an agreement to promote culinary medicine through the “Aliclínic” project, a training and informative program that promotes food culture among medical professionals so that they can transfer it to their patients.

The Alícia Foundation, responsible for the food line of the Fundaciò Catalunya La Pedrera, with the advice of the Hospital Clínic and the collaboration of Ipsen Pharma, has published Dietary-culinary recommendations during treatment with prostate cancer.

The educational program “FruitTAS”, developed by Fundación Alicia, in collaboration with Mondelēz International Foundation, aims to promote good eating habits through the eating of fruit among young people with mild-moderate intellectual disabilities

La Fundación Alicia colabora en la ‘Guía Comer y beber Con Gusto 2021’, impulsada por la Fundación Luzón, una guía que facilita la alimentación de los enfermos de ELA.

Next Tuesday, January 26, the Alícia Foundation will host the webinar “Ageusia, dysgeusia and anosmia. Culinary strategies about taste and smell alterations ”.