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Summerschool 2023

Crossing the bridges in obesity management

Food plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of obesity, but there are also barriers that make it difficult for both health professionals and patients to manage the pathology daily. Cooking, culinary medicine and the concept of obesity in any field of health are fundamental for a good therapeutic approach.

Last session of the Clínic Barcelona Summer School programme, organised by the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, took place at Alícia Foundation, where current issues related to obesity were presented, such as the role of culinary medicine, the stigma that currently exists, or the need for an updated motivational interview that accompanies rather than obliges. There was also a theoretical-practical session led by Alícia on how to cook energy-adjusted but healthy recipes, culturally adapted to the patient’s tastes and habits, easy, practical and delicious, in order to improve adherence to the dietary recommendations of people with obesity.




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