DELICIOUS: Driving the Future of Plant-Based Dairy

The project brings together 17 entities from 9 different countries. Among the participants are research centers focused on scientific and technological innovation, academic institutions, companies, clusters, and associations from the food industry. All these entities are collaborating within the framework of the Horizon Europe program. The project kicked off on December 12 and 13, 2024, […]
Catalan Cuisine at Berlin Food Week

Toni Massanés, director of the Alícia Foundation, was responsible for introducing the public to the exhibition “Catalonia, the Cuisine of Wonders: From Medieval Recipe Books to World Region of Gastronomy 2025” in the Lichthoff Hall at the Acht venue, in the heart of Berlin. This immersive exhibition guided visitors through different thematic spaces that explore […]
The Alícia Foundation participates in the II Congress on Food in São Paulo, Brazil

Tuesday, September 10: “The Alícia Foundation and current food trends” The congress began with a presentation by the Alícia Foundation, where its mission to promote healthy and sustainable eating for all was explained. Next, current food trends were discussed, addressing topics such as the use of local ingredients, sustainability in food production, and emerging technologies […]
Alicia and Bestiario join forces to develop a dietary assistant for people undergoing colon cancer treatment

Diaita (A Digital Diet Assistant for Cancer Patients and Caregivers) by Bestiario and Alicia, is one of the 6 projects selected among over 100 proposals from 40 different countries that were submitted to the European Foodity Open Call #1. Diaita aims to enable colorectal cancer patients to manage their diet independently, using expert knowledge provided […]
Crossing the bridges in obesity management

Last session of the Clínic Barcelona Summer School programme, organised by the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, took place at Alícia Foundation, where current issues related to obesity were presented, such as the role of culinary medicine, the stigma that currently exists, or the need for an updated motivational interview that accompanies rather than obliges. There […]
Food and bariatric surgery: person-centred pilot cooking channel

Alícia Foundation and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona have been awarded for the development and evaluation of a pilot cooking channel to help people involved in bariatric surgery and their relatives and carers in food management. This Culinary Medicine project will be carried out by Alícia and the Hospital Clínic Exchange of Experiences in Barcelona as […]
Day of school canteens, towards a more sustainable model

El viernes 1 de julio de 2022, después de dos años de paro por la pandemia, se celebró la sexta edición de la jornada PReME, organizada por la Agencia de Salud Pública de Cataluña con la participación de la Fundación Alícia. La jornada reunió a más de 100 profesionales vinculados a los comedores escolares (responsables […]
Diet and bariatric surgery

Se expusieron propuestas diseñadas para cubrir las necesidades alimentarias de los pacientes durante todo el proceso de la cirugía bariátrica. Se explicaron aspectos relacionados con la textura de los alimentos adaptados a la progresión de la dieta, así como la densidad nutricional y energética de la misma para este colectivo. El taller, dirigido por Marc […]
Alícia and Hospital Clínic promote the online course Aliclinic: Introduction to culinary medicine

La formación, dirigida a profesionales de la salud, gira alrededor de la alimentación saludable, la cocina practica preparada en casa y las estrategias para facilitar un cambio de hábitos alimentarios entre los pacientes y los propios profesionales. El objetivo de la propuesta formativa es llegar a todos los profesionales sanitarios (médicos, enfermeros, nutricionistas…) que quieran […]